Lean Business Plan Template—Free Download

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Lean Plan Business Plan Template Download this template to quickly create a Lean Business Plan for your business and document your business model on a single page. Developed as an alternative to the Business Model Canvas, our Lean Business Plan Template makes it easy to sketch out a one-page business plan and quickly test out new ideas.

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An alternative to the Business Model Canvas, a Lean Plan is:

  • Fast: You’ll be able to build your first Lean Plan in less than 20 minutes. Compared to writing a detailed business plan, that’s a huge time savings.
  • Simple: Anyone can create a Lean Business Plan. Unlike the Business Model Canvas and other tools, you won’t need any special training or business knowledge to build your Lean Plan.
  • Shareable: Because your Lean Plan fits on a single page, it’s easy to share and get feedback from business partners, friends, and family.
  • Impressive: Investors don’t have time to read detailed plans. Present a simple one-page Lean Plan and grab their attention.
As an alternative to the Business Model Canvas, the Lean Plan Template helps you develop an initial business plan in under 20 minutes. And, it’s easy to share and update as you refine your business idea. You can even build several Lean Business Plans in a single afternoon and try out different business ideas. Build your Lean Plan first, before you write a detailed business plan. A simple one-page business plan will help you quickly develop your business strategy in a fraction of the time it will take you to write a complete business plan. Use your Lean Plan to experiment with different ideas and figure out your perfect business strategy.

How to use the Lean Plan Template:

Just download the template from this page and either fill out the Word Doc or print it out. If you print it, use a pen and pencil or Post-It notes to add your ideas. Create multiple versions as you experiment with different business strategies, marketing and sales plans, and business models. If you need a more powerful and flexible tool to create your Lean Business Plan, or if you've found limitations with your Business Model Canvas, be sure to check out LivePlan for an interactive, online version of this template. When you’re done with your Lean Business Plan, your next step is to find out if your idea is actually any good. We’ve put together a guide to help figure this out, step-by-step. Start there, and when you’re ready for more detail, check out our article on “demand validation” that walks you through the details of figuring out if potential customers will be willing to buy your product or service. You can do all of this with your Lean Business Plan, without having to spend a bunch of money. It’s the best way to get your business started with the least amount of risk possible.

If you need more:

If you’re ready to graduate from the Lean Business Plan, or the Business Model Canvas, and need a more detailed, formal business plan, we’ve got a how-to guide and a free template for that, too.